

is called
is based on
uses namespace (usual prefix: xforms, xf)

XForms is an XML application for describing forms which a user can fill out. It has learned from the quirks of HTML forms and delivers a lot of new possibilities. Basically, it allows a whole XML document to be created on the client side, which is then sent to the server via HTTP. This document can even be validated on the client side, in order to reduce server/client turnarounds. Its main stength is its declarative nature which extremely reduces the necessity of JavaSrcript as opposed to HTTP forms. XForms tries to split the structure of the generated XML document from the user interface. Input elements of the user interface are bound to elements of the XML document using XPath. One fun thing is that a simple "input" element changes its behaviour depending on the type of values accepted by the element it is bound to.

en The XForms 1.1 specification has a good introduction for people familiar with HTML forms, XML and XPath. After having read the introduction, you probably are most interested in the form controls since they are used to describe the user interface. Then you should go on and discover more features. Reading XForms Essentials is also enlightening, but if you read such a big book, always have the newest specification from w3c at hand in order to compare and to catch up current development.